Maundy Thursday is the commemoration of the Last Supper of Jesus Christ when he established the sacrament of Holy Communion prior to his arrest and crucifixion. It also commemorates His institution of the priesthood. Jesus celebrated the dinner as a Passover feast. Christ would fulfil His role as the Christian victim of the Passover for all to be saved by His final sacrifice.
During the Mass, Bishop Marcus washed and dry the feet of 12 congregation members following the example of Jesus, who did the same to his 12 disciples at the Last Supper, the day before he was crucified.

The Mass ended with the Blessed Sacrament being taken in procession from the sanctuary to the Lady Chapel where Pugin’s magnificent high altar from the old cathedral served as the Altar of Repose. Silent adoration was then kept until late into the evening and the time came for the Night Prayer of the Church to be said.

Photographs from Maundy Thursday at Cathedral Church of St Anne